Page 4 - Cornerstone Connection Magazine - Volume 22 - Issue 8
P. 4
Imagine tells us that He has come to quench our thirst. But, in John
7:37-38, Jesus announces that His thirst-quenching ministry
The other day, I had a vision that felt like an early Christmas has two sides to it: First, Jesus came to offer Himself as the
gift to receive and share with you. Imagine God waiting, drink to satisfy our deep, spiritual thirst. Second, Jesus came
anticipating the day of our arrival to embrace us and show us to give to us the Holy Spirit, as the living waters, that will fill
His Kingdom. Our Father’s love is overflowing, excited to see us up to overflowing. These two purposes are distinct, and
His bride pass through those pearly gates. Consider All He has yet, they stand together so that neither can happen apart from
sacrificed due to His Unconditional Love for Us, and yet, that the other. He states: “…Let Him Come to Me and Drink.”
wasn’t enough. He now prepares a mansion for those called He gave His life that we may have one together with Him.
to be with Him for eternity, that He personally designed, with Imagine that Enormous Unconditional Love, not only giving
intricacy and perfection. He pours out His love to comfort, His life but desiring that we have eternal life with Him, having
please and bless His chosen. Our Father’s preparation for no more sorrows or sickness. The air is filled with music,
this is carried out much like any loving parents when they laughter and joy, and it’s almost like you can touch and feel
prepare the first nursery for their children, being full of love the peace all around....
and anticipation to bring joy and happiness. I am thankful the Lord stimulated my imagination that day.
God gives us a Vision of Heaven through His Word. In It’s difficult in this crazy rat race of a world to stay grounded
Colossians 3:1-4, Paul writes, we are to set our minds on the some days. It seems we are going a hundred miles an hour
heavenlies, keeping our eyes on Him to encourage, strengthen and wish we could speed up to get more done. Yet, with God’s
and build our faith. Then, John gives us a glimpse of the understanding, He tells us, “Be Still.” Slowing down, we
heavens, and God’s Glory that is awe-inspiring in Revelation understand less is more and greater than we can comprehend.
21:10-27. He describes how an angel carried him away in God’s description of Heaven is magnificent to imagine....
the Spirit to a high mountain and showed him a great city, This life is only for a moment, and then, we will have an
the Holy Jerusalem, descending out of Heaven from God, eternity together. Let’s slow down and anticipate what our
having the Glory of God which illuminates day and night. His Father has prepared for us; this world pales in comparison
illustrations are transcendent and spectacular of the Streets to what God has to offer. Remember, we don’t always get
and this Great City made of pure gold, like clear glass. There is what we deserve; we get what we expect. We need to lift our
no temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are Expectations to the Heavenlies and Thank Him. For there is
its temple; there was no need of the sun or moon to shine, as no greater love than this, than One Who gave His life for us.
the glory of God illuminated it, and the Lamb is its light. He Thank You Jesus for Your Eternal Love!
describes Walls of Jasper, clear as crystal, filled with Precious In this season of the hustle and bustle, of our commercialized
Jewels, and twelve gates were twelve pearls: each individual world’s view of the holidays, let’s remember the Reason for the
gate was one pearl. He states the gates were never closed, and season – Jesus Christ our Savior, and thank Him for all He has
they shall bring the glory and honor of all nations into it. done to save us and give us eternal life, if we only ask.
Beyond John’s revelation, imagine a platform in the Heart Thank you to our advertisers, readers, staff and families
of the City where We can Sing Praises to Our Lord and Savior, for your faithful prayers, support and encouragement. You
surrounded by Living Water, Representing the Overflowing, are a blessing! Please remember to support our advertisers –
Endless Stream of the Holy Spirit. There are many who have without them, Cornerstone Connection would not exist. My
died and returned to share this vision, and I am one of them. prayer for each and every one of you is that the Lord will fill
Sidebar: Humanity’s fall into sin has left us thirsty. Jesus your Christmas and New Year with a Revelation of His All-
Consuming Love. May He pour out Abundant Blessing for
You and Yours, as you Experience His gift of Grace, Joy, Peace,
and Lots of Laughter.
Merry Christmas and May 2022 Be Your Most Amazing
Year Yet!
LuAnne Anderson
1 John 7:37
2 Psalm 46:10
4 Volume 22 • Issue 8