Page 8 - Cornerstone Connection Magazine - Volume 22 - Issue 6
P. 8

LIndELL • continued from PAGE 7                       After losing the bar business, Lindell believes God came to
                                                            him in a dream. “Awakening out of a deep sleep, I grabbed a
        never felt I belonged.”                             pen and notebook and began writing. The words that appeared
          Lindell owned bars for 13 years “having the time of his life,”  on the page were words I didn’t even use,” Lindell explained.
        until he decided he needed a little additional support. “For  “Without a conscious decision, I scribbled a title at the top of
        some reason, I felt I needed cocaine to do my job. If I was alone  the page: God Against Crack. I wondered if I’d had an out-of-
        with a customer, I felt extremely shy and awkward,” Lindell  body experience. Were these thoughts from somewhere—or
        explained. “Cocaine was a crutch. Then, crack became my new  Someone—else? I also wrote, ‘You will know when the time is
        best friend; not only did it mask my pain, but it also made me  right, and you will be provided a platform.’”
        feel I could conquer the world.”                                                That same day, when Lin-
          Throughout Lindell’s life, because of his addictions, he made               dell’s  sister,  Cindy,  called,
        one bad decision after another, which led to four decades of                  she provided him with con-
        living  with  shame,  humiliation,  and  the  inability  to  forgive          firmation  of  what  had  just
        himself. Regardless, God continued to pursue and rescue him                   happened to him. She shared
        from life-threatening situations. Even though Lindell talked to               that during a church service,
        God during these tumultuous times, he continued to run away                   her  pastor  gave  her  a  word
        from Him.                                                                     of prophecy for her brother.
          “I felt consumed by loneliness/hopelessness, driven by com-                 The pastor shared, “Whatev-
        pulsions I couldn’t name, and enslaved by substances I couldn’t               er happened to your brother,
        kick. I desperately wanted to escape the person I had become,”                it’s important. He has to fol-
        Lindell admitted.                                                             low through with it, and you
          Miracle  after  miracle  began  to  occur  in  Lindell’s  life,  but        need to tell him.”
        rather than giving God credit, his mathematician’s brain fig-                   Lindell  shelved  those
        ured, “what were the odds.” Despite his crack addition, God                   pages and prophecy for four
        was  still  able  to  use  him.  “This  remained  an  ironic  feature         years while his life continued
        of my life. Friends and family would call me to talk to other                 to  spiral  out  of  control.  He
        addicts off the ledge even though they knew I was an addict                   even admitted, “No ‘bottom’
        myself. This happened many times, and I still don’t quite un-  A photo taken by one of Mike’s   had been deep enough, and
        derstand it,” Lindell said. “I wondered if God was trying to get   drug dealers after they had   no rehab had touched me.”
        my attention.”                                      intervened and cut off his supply  Meanwhile, God gave him

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