Page 4 - Cornerstone Connection Magazine - Volume 22 - Issue 6
P. 4

What Is Your Truth?                   longer can we sit back and watch the insanity, especially in
                                                            our  liberal  leadership  and  continue  to  be  silent.  What  has
          Over 2020, most of us have found a lot of time to think and  happened to us? Has God given us over to our debased minds
        reflect. Due to our circumstances and the constant underlying  as in Romans 1:24?  Do we now say good is evil, and evil is
        deceptions to bring on fear, panic, and conformity, I realized  good?  I am confused with the rationale and state of mind of
        I was feeling angry, and my heart was becoming hard. To  those compromising their faith in God.
        continue to write, I needed time out to seek God for answers,   This November is absolutely the most important election
        healing, and restoration, as I found myself speaking and  in History, as we must decide what our truth is. Will it line up
        writing from anger and frustration. That is right; never put  with the Word of God for good or evil? It is vital we remember
        me on a pedestal. I will surely fall, as much as I love God and  our decision not only affects our lives, but our generations
        desire more than anything to be who He desires for me to  to come. Therefore, we need to go to the polls in person
        be. Sometimes I get distracted, derailed, and off course, by  making a stand in faith for God’s chosen leaders. With all
        the busyness and now chaos of this world, and the revelation  the deception that has already taken place, we need to make
        of  so  much  deception  that  many  are  consuming  from  the  sure All of our votes count. If we can stand in line at a grocery
        mainstream  media.  It  became  apparent  I  was  missing  my  store, sometimes several times a week, we can certainly stand
        much-needed quality time that keeps me on track with God.  in line once every four years to vote for our future.
          Cornerstone  Connection  began  over  28  years  ago  as  a   Will we vote for whoever entertains us the most with lies
        positive message to our community, and now, the world with  and deception or those who are willing to sell their soul for
        our digital magazine. My soul’s desire is to make a mark,  financial gains, disregarding the Truth and our convictions?
        not just be another number. Our purpose is to bring light  We  are  not  voting  for  men,  women,  or  personalities.  This
        and hope to the hopeless, and while I know we have made  election is our opportunity to vote for Our Future, Our Faith,
        an impact, I just ache from the division the enemy has  God’s Commands, and what they stand for.
        orchestrated in our country today to discourage, divide, and   We are praying for people: To wake up to the deception and
        conquer hope in this Great USA. Not to mention the World,  dig deep into their Spiritual Roots and Stand; To hope for
        as I know many in other Countries are praying and concerned  our president, who is human, and yes, just like us has fallen
        for this Historical Election that they know affects the world.  short at times – yet, his goals as president are clearly aligned
          Have we lost the propensity to do good not evil? Can we not  with God’s Word, and in four years, he has proven that he
        stand for what we believe in without wavering? Did we lose  keeps his promises. He is unlike some career politicians, who
        sight of the whole purpose of putting our hand over our heart  continue to keep making and breaking their promises and
        in reverence and honor to God, our flag, and our nation?  pad their pockets in the process.
        What happened to our “One nation under God, indivisible   There is no grey area here. Has our faith and prayers to
        (Undivided), with liberty and justice for all?” These words  our Lord become so weakened by our distractions of this
        were created by our Forefathers to align our Allegiance to  world that we cannot Believe God can change the heart of
        God, this Nation, and One Another.                  man? This is nothing for God. He is still doing a work. God
          I have found sustenance and light in my darkness, but it  has renewed our hearts and minds, and he can do the same
        has been disturbing to see the reality of our nation, which  in and through our leadership. With God ALL Things Are
        has forced me out of my cocoon. It is sad to see how people  Possible!
        are rationalizing their decisions and commitments today. No   Four years ago, my staff and I, along with others across
                                                            our  nation,  started  praying  for  Christ-centered  leadership.
                                                            Shortly after, the news was out; then presidential nominee
                                                            Donald Trump surrendered his life to Christ three months
                                                            before  becoming  our  president.  Immediately,  we  began  to
                                                            pray for Christ-like people of influence to be around him to
                                                            grow spiritually. A week later, it was announced his choice
                                                            for VP was a born-again Christian, Mike Pence. President
                                                            Trump is not a perfect man, but who is? He who is without
                                                            sin, cast the first stone.  He has accomplished more than any
                                                            president in my lifetime, and I believe in history.
                                                              Now we continue to pray for the manifestation of God to
                                                            be so apparent in him that all people will see a difference, but
                                                            in the meantime, we shouldn’t sell our soul to vote for evil

                                                                              PUBLISHER’S LETTER • continued on PAGE 6
        4     Volume 22 • Issue 6
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