Page 10 - Cornerstone Connection Magazine - Volume 22 - Issue 6
P. 10
LIndELL • continued from PAGE 9 sition to bring this platform
into action.”
“After 55 years of running, God finally caught me.” “But I believe we have
Some profits from Lindell’s MyPillow® industry and his THE biggest opportunity
book, What Are the Odds? From Crack Addict to CEO, pub- to get addicts back to Jesus
lished in 2019, funds the Lindell Recovery Network. “Through through The Return (https://
a series of Divine connections, God helped me create a unique, a National
plan that will offer addicts the most powerful help available, Day of Prayer and Repen-
anywhere, on an unprecedented scale,” Lindell said. This be- tance for America and the
came the platform he’d sketched out years before. “With God’s World, on September 26 at
help, my goal is to help millions of addicts and create thou- the National Mall in Wash-
sands of jobs. I can hardly believe God has put me in a po- ington DC,” Lindell said.
“It is going to be the biggest
opportunity for Revival in
modern history!” The Return is a National Day
It took Lindell a lifetime to of Prayer and Repentance on
understand God’s Calling on September 26, 2020
his life, so his tough façade
isn’t what’s important. It’s Lindell’s heart for the lost that mat-
ters. After all, it’s his heart God sees and uses.
To learn more about the Lindell Recovery Network, go to ✝
Do you know, if you died today, that you would go to heaven? If not,
please pray this simple prayer: Father God, I repent and ask forgiveness
of my sins. Thank you for sending Your Son to die on the cross for me. I
surrender my life to You today. Please give me Your wisdom to understand
Your Love and Grace. Help me find a church that speaks life through Your
Word, that will increase my passion and zeal for a deeper relationship with
Mike Lindell with President Trump at Made in America, You. Give me the desire to do good and not evil. I ask all these things in Your
a U.S. manufacturing summit in July 2017 Son’s name, Jesus Christ. Amen.
10 Volume 22 • Issue 6