Page 28 - Cornerstone Connection Magazine - Volume 22 - Issue 8
P. 28
Who’s on First? the last few years, certainly exacerbated by the advent of the
twenty-four-hour cable news networks, especially the ones that
In memory of Charlie Daniel’s legacy, we are printing some of his show political bias, which is practically all of them, mainstream
articles that continue to speak about the complex issues in our nation. media and radio talk shows notwithstanding.
Our two most recent presidents are probably the most
When I went to grammar school, there were kids in my classes polarizing figures to hold the office in over a century, and
who, when election time rolled around, would be for different both have a sizable contingency of dedicated followers, firmly
candidates than I was, or rather their parents were, as we were convinced that there is no middle ground, that it is a winner take
all way too young to grasp the implications or ramifications of all scenario, a never give an inch, “hooray with our side and to
whichever candidates were on the ballot. hell with yours” attitude, fanned by the hyperbolic and asinine
In my family, my parents and grandparents - having lived remarks of ambitious politicians who pander to any and all.
through the Great Depression - whatever candidates who ran This situation, although intolerable now, will surely reach a fever
in the Democrat side of the ballot were favored, as Roosevelt pitch in the coming months of no holds barred campaigning, and
was hailed as the president who ended the “hard times” as they by the time the actual election rolls around, the bloody campaign
were commonly known, and Herbert Hoover, whose name was trail will be littered with the bodies of the “also-rans,” victims of
practically synonymous with a curse word, and the Republican the better-spoken, better-financed, who cared not at all for the
Party wore the blame for decades. voracity of their acidic remarks nor the reputations or permanent
My friends and playmates whose families favored the damage done to any opponent who dared stand between them
Republican candidates simply reflected the thoughts and choices and the power they seek.
they had heard at home, and conversely, the kids from the The truly dangerous part of this national conundrum is the
Democrat homes did the same. hate it generates, the belief that it is our obligation to despise
But there was never any animosity, anger or grudges held the “other side,” that their opinions are not even worthy to be
against opposing sides, a situation akin to whether you were a heard and should be suppressed and shouted down instead of
New York Yankees fan or a Brooklyn Dodgers fan, as most of the being fairly aired in the arena of ideas, both sides weighed and
boys of my acquaintance were in those days of smaller baseball evaluated by all voters in the constitutionally mandated process
leagues and limited choices. of one person, one vote, to be decided in the privacy of the ballot
Politics, for the most part in those days before the coming box and counted in a fair and impartial way.
of television, was more a distraction whose conventions and Where does it end? I honestly don’t know.
coverage took up valuable radio time usually devoted to The But this I do know.
Lone Ranger and the myriad of afternoon broadcast time slots It would serve the nation well for both sides to stick to the issues,
allotted to programming for the pee-wee set. dial back the name-calling and personal insults, the groundless
Even in high school, we paid more attention to - but took no accusations, the vendettas and the making of promises that are
umbrage at - each other’s political choices, and they affected our impossible to fulfill.
relationships, not one whit. Is it possible?
I don’t know exactly when we began to be so divided by Being the optimist that I am, I believe it is.
politics that we feel it is incumbent upon us to totally disrespect Once in a while, something happens that pulls us together,
the opinions of others as to let it divide friends and family and that brings home the fact of how precious our country is to us,
that, in some circles, verbal disagreement is not enough, and we and that no candidate or political party deserves our allegiance
are obliged to harm or even destroy those who disagree with us. as much as our nation does, that we need to find some common
This is not a brand new thing, but has grown in intensity over ground and stand on it, politics be damned.
I don’t know when, I don’t know how, I don’t know what, but
we will, at some time in the future, experience such an event and
C A P E R N A U M F realize just how far we have drifted from God and the principles
M O N B R E A D that made this nation what it is.
O M B R E A D A R We can find the way back, but it leads through repentance and
Answers to U E A I R G W common sense.
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble
Crossword A O S T W E L V E S themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked
Puzzle on L I F E U C V T ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and
will heal their land.” - 2 Chronicles 7:14
page 30 N M P A N I S E A What do you think?
E V E R L A S T I N G L I F E Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.
M God Bless America.
U — Charlie Daniels
©Copyright 2021 Charlie Daniels
28 Volume 22 • Issue 8