Page 28 - Cornerstone Connection Magazine - Volume 22 - Issue 7
P. 28
A Parting of the Ways and the Savior, who died for them, mocking skits that belittle
Jesus Christ, and our assigned president claims that America
In memory of Charlie Daniel’s legacy, we are printing some is no longer a Christian nation, even though - According to
of his articles that continue to speak about the complex issues past Gallup polls - 77% of the nation has claimed to be Chris-
in our nation. tians.
Elements of our government want America to give its al-
We all know that one of the prime motivating factors that legiance to the godless, America-hating United Nations.
led to the early immigration to the United States of Ameri- Mankind now thinks he can bypass God and take over ad-
ca was freedom: Freedom from a monarchy, freedom from justing the temperature of Planet Earth, an arrogant assump-
a societal class system that placed the working people at the tion at best and a downright lie at worst, having nothing to
bottom of the food chain, freedom to achieve whatever your do with climate and everything to do with control of every
intellect and industry was capable of, but most important of human being on the planet.
all, freedom to worship God in whatever way they chose. Did you know that our government ignored the period of
According to William Bradford, when the Pilgrims set foot time when the temperature of the earth has not warmed and
on American soil, they “fell on their knees, and blessed the left those statistics out of their findings?
God of heaven” who brought them safely to the New World The crux of all this being that God gave man free will -
after their long and dangerous journey. a mind to think with and a conscience to govern those
Our federal papers acknowledge God; our money reads, thoughts. And if mankind does not want God in their lives,
“In God We Trust”; our government buildings have the name He will not force His way in.
of God inscribed on them; our congressional sessions are So, America, as we deny God entree into ever increasing
opened with prayer; and the law of the land is founded on segments of American life, who do you think rushes in to
British Common Law and Judeo-Christian principles. take over? But I guess you people, who don’t believe in God,
We send chaplains to war with our troops. Prisoners, who don’t think there’s a devil either.
are denied most all other privileges, are afforded the right to When the presence of God leaves, peace goes with Him, so
the practice of their religion, and even a condemned man can does decency and respect for human life. Have you seen the
have a priest or religious representative with him as he walks abortion numbers lately, or the amount of children who are
the last mile. being kidnapped and sold as sex slaves?
For almost two hundred years, America thrived, won wars, Another by product of the absence of God is sloth, lazi-
took unprecedented steps in technology, medicine, industry ness and dishonesty, men fathering multiple children and not
and science, with God a very visible presence in government, supporting any of them, people claiming bogus injuries to
society and the everyday life of America. sponge off the federal disability funds.
Enter Madeline Murray O’Hare, an atheist who took it So, the farther we pull away from the tenants the founding
upon herself to have the Bible and prayer removed, and subse- fathers put into place, the farther we wander aimlessly down
quently forbidden in America schools in the early 1960’s and this insane path of turning our backs on our only help, the
the Supreme Court - to their everlasting and eternal shame - lower the finances, the safety, the quality of life will slip.
agreed with her, and the downhill slide into America’s demise America did not achieve its high place in the world on its
began. own. God has blessed and protected this nation since its in-
I’ve wondered how Ms. O’Hare would feel about it now that ception.
she’s had a chance to see that the God she denied is real and If His veil of protection is lifted, America, in spite of our
His court - not the US Supreme Court - has the final say in weapons and military superiority, will see war and violence
the affairs of man. without end.
What O’Hare began has become a movement and, with the
help of the ACLU, liberal courts, and spineless politicians, God will not be mocked.
have determined to abolish even the mention of God’s name
from official - and if they have their way - private America. What do you think?
They want to muzzle military chaplains, control education-
al curriculum, remove every trace of God and Jesus Christ Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.
from public view, and, truth be known, censor what can and
cannot be preached from the pulpits. God Bless America.
The Bible tells us that man’s own brilliance will be his un-
doing, and one has only to turn on a television set, surf the — Charlie Daniels
web or pick up a magazine to see evidence of that.
Television hosts make fun of the God, who created them, ©Copyright 2021 Charlie Daniels
28 Volume 22 • Issue 7