Page 11 - Cornerstone Connection Magazine - Volume 22 - Issue 7
P. 11
Finding Peace in Turmoil these days, this is more important than ever.
Ephesians 1:4 is a good starting place to view ourselves through
How are you reacting to the world we are in today? Have you God‘s eyes. It says that we are heirs, holy, blameless, and loved,
been uneasy? Fearful? Dreading what tomorrow may bring? which are just a few of His descriptions. We are not of this
Plagues, riots are an unsure future. world though we are in it. We may live in the U.S., but first and
During this time, we have a choice to align ourselves with one foremost, we are citizens of God‘s kingdom. Ephesians 4:27 tells
of two camps. Either we are aligned with evil and his plan or with us not to give place to the devil, but rather to be renewed in the
Jesus and His purpose for our lives. spirit of our minds. 3
Every one of our thousands of thoughts each day is in alignment This message today is the same as was spoken by the angels 2000
with one of these two camps… Parallel to the battle in the world, years ago: Peace on Earth, goodwill toward men. As we carry that
which is visible to our natural eyes, there is an invisible battle same spirit within us, let’s go and focus on His peace within.
raging in our minds as well as in the atmosphere above. For some We are more than conquerors through Him who loves us. We
of us, there seems to be no battle because we are not fighting and are to be filled with the Word of God, focusing on Him instead of
have put up the white flag of surrender long ago. Perhaps, it was the many distractions around us. God wants to invigorate us with
not intentional; nevertheless, some have capitulated and agreed His life.
with many wrong thoughts that the enemy has suggested to them.
For a long while, strongholds have been erected and established 1 2 Corinthians 10:5
in our thought patterns. Today, God is calling us to tear down 2 3 John 18:36
Ephesians 4:23
every thought and imagination that exalts itself against the name 4 Luke 2:14
and knowledge of the Lord Jesus and to cast it out. 1 5 Romans 8:37
God is desiring to give revelation concerning our weaknesses
so we can see places where we have been susceptible to the lies To schedule an appointment with Stephen Galloza PhD, Family
and entrapments of the enemy. These are places where we have Counselor, go to Click on Book Now.
accepted them as truth, lies or partial truths. The enemy twists THIS IS A PAID ADVERTISEMENT
them in our minds with the goal of eroding our faith and of
Whom God says we are. Agreement with these lies and unbelief
are the only ways we can be defeated.
So, we need to learn to recognize unhealthy thought patterns.
Where are those places that worry, anxiety, insecurity and other
wrong thoughts have come in? This involves anything that is in
opposition with Whom God says we are. These may be keys to
underlying issues which have come about due to wrong thoughts
we have accepted as fact. We need to ask God to help us identify
these thoughts, some of which may have had their origin with
either a traumatic or formative event or series of events in our
lives long ago.
Counteracting these thoughts with thoughts of Whom God
says we are in His Word is necessary. As we make these mental
corrections habitually, they will result in establishing new patterns
of thought that are in agreement with Who God says we are. In 11