Page 28 - Cornerstone Connection Magazine - Volume 22 - Issue 6
P. 28

Pick a Side                      it as such is, not only unworthy of their office, but a clear and
                                                            present danger to the well-being of every human being in their
          The time is swiftly coming in America when everybody who  constituency, and thereby America at large.
        cares about having a future is going to have to pick a side.  This is anarchy, plain and simple, and the laxity of the
          When you get past the very thin patina of “peaceful” protests  curriculum we have allowed to be taught in our schools, and
        and  look  beyond  the  fallacy  that  violence  and  destruction  the doctrine that socialist university faculties have drummed
        brings about racial equality, you have to come to the conclusion  into the heads of our young people is coming home to roost, as
        that there is a radical fringe of people who would literally burn  deceived twenty-somethings cause havoc for a cause they have
        this country down, given the opportunity.           no way of understanding, under the impression they are in a
          You’ll  never  hear  it  in  the  media,  but  if  you’re  willing  to  struggle for justice, when all along they are joining the battle
        scratch the surface and dig a little bit, it will dawn on you that  to dismantle their whole way of life.
        this is not a simple protest against the unjust killing of a black   One of the first tenets of communism is destroying and
        man,  but  a  revolutionary  street  battle  against  America  and  discrediting history, and the destruction of historical statues
        everything we stand for, and it IS funded and lead by socialist  is just that.
        factions, and it’s not just in the US but in many democratic   Communism cannot exist where there is a strong belief in
        nations around the world.                           God, and now there is a move afoot to remove any statues of
          In other words, it’s an all-out socialist attack on our Republic.  Jesus Christ.
          I don’t remember a time in my 83 years when the cowardice,   A statue of Stevie Ray Vaughan was vandalized in Austin,
        incompetence,  indifference  and  downright  impotence  of  Texas recently, a musician who had nothing to do with politics
        governors, mayors and others responsible for the protection  or activism.
        of  citizens  and  their  property  have  been  more  evident,   Communism cannot exist in a well-informed society, and to
        disappointing and disgusting.                       their everlasting shame and tacit treason, the media hides the
          What’s going on in our nation is not a “Block Party” or a  truth and takes sides with the people who, if they ever came to
        “Summer Of Love,” and any politician naive enough to describe  power, would demolish the media.
                                                              Already the signs of pushback, the serious kind, are showing
                                                              Patriotic bikers called for a rally in Seattle on the fourth of
                                                            July to reclaim the CHAZ/CHOP area – or whatever they’re
                                                            calling it today - return the police precinct to the police it
                                                            was taken from, and in their words, “Clean up the mess these
                                                            Commie kids have made.” But the mayor finally came to her
                                                              Gun sales are through the roof, and America is locked and
                                                            loaded to protect their families and their neighborhoods.
                                                              If things are allowed to fester and spread, in my opinion,
                                                            and at least amongst the people I am familiar with and the
                                                            area I live in, they will not allow their cities to be occupied,
                                                            their businesses destroyed nor their lives interrupted without
                                                            a fight, and almost everybody I know has guns and knows how
                                                            to use them.
                                                              I hope and pray that cooler heads will prevail, and bloodshed
                                                            can be avoided, but, as things stand, that’s exactly where this
                                                            thing is headed.
                                                              So, America, in the next few months you’re going to have to
                                                            make a choice, about how far you’ll be pushed, the priorities
                                                            of your vote, the kind of world you want your children to grow
                                                            up in, and which side of this debacle you stand on.
                                                              Stand tall or crawl, those are the choices.
                                                              What do you think?
                                                              Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.
        AMEN!!! Preach it Charlie. Still Speaking Truth to Us. Even   God Bless America.
        Death Can’t Stop Writers. Our Thoughts Go Beyond the Grave   — Charlie Daniels
        While We sit in The Heavenlies.                     ©Copyright 2020 Charlie Daniels
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