Page 20 - Cornerstone Connection Magazine - Volume 22 - Issue 6
P. 20

Saying, “God Is in Control” Is Not Enough       to Jesus means to release all our treasures to Him and unlock all
                                                            our basement doors within. There is no-one else who can carry
          When  we  are  confronted  with  the  fragileness  of  life,  that  our burdens, free us from our baggage, and heal our wounds.
        causes us to truly treasure it, it isn’t until our world is spinning  While our mistakes taunt us into hiding, He gently whispers to
        out of control that we realize how peaceful the passenger seat   us, “Come out of hiding; you’re safe here with Me.” Surrender-
        must be. In this world’s chaos, it isn’t enough to believe that  ing to Jesus is the only path to lasting peace, but that can’t hap-
        “God is in control;” we must also believe that “He is a good,  pen until we believe in His character. God’s approach is gentle
        good  Father.”  The  peace  that  surpasses  all  circumstances,  all  in letting us drive through enough storms of sickness, sadness,
        emotions, all understanding hinges on knowing His goodness.   success, and heartache, in order to realize how much of life is
        IT is the key that makes the surrender to Jesus so liberating! The  beyond our control, how fragile our breath is, and how deeply
        most amazing thing about Time is that it has proven God to   our souls long for eternity with a life free of suffering and tears.
        be unchangeable, and the most awesome thing about the Cross   If there is anything this year of 2020 has shown us, it’s that
        is that it has proven His love to be unconquerable by sin. Do   we are not in control. But what better news could there be! The
        you realize that the Cross is the perfect example that reveals  Author of Life itself, the detailed Designer of Nature, the One
        there is nothing we can do to change how God feels about us?   who holds the greatest expression of Love towards humanity
        As Romans 5:8 (NASB) describes, “God demonstrates His own  through the Cross, is asking for your surrender. Only when the
        love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died  truth of His power and of His goodness come together within
        for us.”                                            our hearts can we enter into a true rest for our souls. We dis-
          What we have seen about God is that He doesn’t give His love  cover a peace that surpasses all understanding when we take
        in pieces or His Presence in portions. His goodness needs no   our place as passengers and let Him take His place as pilot over
        other proof than the Cross, where the innocent took the place  our circumstances and make Him Lord over our lives. There is
        of the guilty, and His righteousness was gifted in exchange for   an eternal life paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ, offered not
        our filthy rags of “good deeds.” To surrender control of our lives  to the strong, perfect, and good, but to all who believe. ✝

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